Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Mommy and Daddy got to see my little brother on Monday. It appears to still definitely be a boy. All of his measurements are right on target, and there are no signs of any abnormalities... isn't that great!?! They saw both of the normal eye sockets again and this time they saw two lenses (eyes)! I am so excited to hear that! He is weighing in at a whopping pound these days and mommy says he moves a lot. His heart and kidneys look great too! We think that this little nuggie is going to look a lot like me.... can't wait to find out!

While mommy and daddy were at the doctor, my brother and I got to stay with my Popo and Mimi (and my two cousins)! Mommy's doctor doesn't allow any kids, but, that was fine by us! We had so much fun! Mimi took these pics to prove it!


Chelsea Lietz said...

Yay! Wonderful news! Baby Boy K looks amazing! Kouper does, too... he sure is growing fast!

Jessica said...

It's so great to hear such good news! And, I really think that he's going to look like Kouper. Is it crazy to say that you can tell from his profile in the sonogram?!