Like brother, like brother. Well we found out on Wednesday that I am allergic to egg yolks, just like Kayson was. Thank goodness he outgrew it and hopefully I will too. Oh I got to make this extra fun for my mommy! She is good with poop you see, but not so much with vomit. Did I ever break her in! I probably vomited about 8 times all in a row (including on the way to the doctor and also once I arrived there). Then when daddy joined us there I let 'er rip out of the other end! Thank goodness my nana was able to get me right in to see the doctor (she's a nurse you see.) Well I'll tell you what that doctor started talking about suppositories and somehow I was cured! There is no way I want ANYTHING stuck into my hiney! I was fine for the rest of the day, fhew! Well I say fine... after that we went to see Mr. Wenske and we had to put my conformer in and out several times, and I was not happy. We were in San Antonio with him and waiting for my eye to be made for over 4 hours! I was a trooper though, as usual. Then the next evening I started running a fever so we were back at the doctor on Thursday morning.... but she said I just must have a cold, no infection. They tested my tee tee. So I'm feeling much better now! I am also on the verge of having four teeth! Yep my top two teeth are soon to make their debut. Oh and get this... I only weigh 18 lbs. 14 ozs. these days! I guess ever since mommy closed the all night buffet, I've lost a bit of weight, not to mention I'm still a crawlin' everywhere.
5 Savory Breakfast Ideas
7 hours ago
No fun for you or Mommy. I take it you are sleeping longer at night since the all night buffet is no longer open. Did the No Cry Sleep Solutions do the trick?
oh no! the sickness sounds awful. but the trip to Arkansas looked like fun!
ALL NIGHT BUFFET! I couldn't stop laughing. Oh I remember those days. I'm glad he is doing better. Miss you guys!
When Cathy told me about this on the phone I was feeding Brylen egg yolk! To say the least I watched her like a hawk. I never thought of that being a high allergen. Learn something new everyday!
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